Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2021 5:06:38 GMT
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Oscar stood confidentially on the battlefield once more, staring at his next opponent. His expression was placid, yet his insides were about to roll out through his peehole. Oscar had never been more terrified to partake in a casual battle, he was one of the toughest in Rocket's ranks and here he was barely keeping himself from shaking.

Kyle fucking Lopez, the champ himself. Usually it would take an immense amount of effort to be given the honor of such a battle, yet here he was going one on one with Hoenn's strongest trainer. He felt--undeserving. Nevertheless this was fucking happening, and Oscar was gonna try his hardest.

He sent out his champion of choice, this time not bothering with any underused members. A blaziken emerged onto the field, a tempered veteran of battle. Grievous slowly stood, cracking joins as he came to a straight posture. His eyes blazed with a manic fury, itching to get started.

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2021 16:47:15 GMT
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he's not going to disappoint if his challenger wants to go all in.

a manectric comes face-to-face with the blaziken. it's a pokemon he's comfortable with, matching against a pokemon that the person on the other side of the field was seemingly equally confident with.

this was about to be a match.

"you showed your hand first. want to take the first move?" he offers. it's only fair, he supposes, as knowing a pokemon a second sooner than he gets his own out was as useful as throwing out the first attack of the game.

not that it would've changed anything. kyle wanted to use his manectric in this festival for a while now.

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2021 1:26:28 GMT
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Oscar chuckled to himself, "That's kind of you, thanks." He wasn't really sure if having the first turn would help, but he appreciated the courtesy. He snapped his fingers, "Grievous, build and crush.

Grievous nodded, standing with his limbs outstretched. Spectral swords began to form around his body, swirling in a violent dance as power radiated off of the space around the blaziken (Sword Dance). When the dance ended, the power would remain upon Grievous. His muscles tensed as he pulled himself back, his powerful legs shaking the earth beneath them as they bent. 

With little warning, Grievous would launch himself forward. His claws reared back, swinging forward as he came close to his target (Crush Claw). 

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 16:50:52 GMT
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the way they start things off already gives kyle an idea of how the pair wants to play things out. surprise comes to both him and his pokemon though, as he gets caught off-guard, unprepared, by the sudden attack.

a yelp comes from the manectric as the crush claw buries it into the sand. although grains soften the impact, it certainly doesn't soften the blow received by the electric-type.

"make distance! thunder wave!"

from the earth, the manectric discharges a huge amount of electricity to get the blaziken off of him with a blast. bright lights, alongside a huge burst, aims to distract the blaziken long enough for the manectric to scurry away from it, leaving a parting gift of a thunder wave as it escapes.

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2021 21:19:43 GMT
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Grievous's strike rang true, but he had made a mistake. He put too much force behind it, an aggressive move that left too much recovery time. Because of this, his opponent's discharge was a direct hit. Electricity pushed him back, giving him a very painful and sobering jolt. His first instinct was to jump back, his mighty legs pushing him upward and backward several feet. 

The thunder wave roared past him as he unwittingly slipped out of its clutches. Had he not relied on his instincts, he would have been paralyzed instantly. This fucker was no joke. Grievous landed, but he didn't stay grounded for long.

He launched himself back toward his opponent, spinning in the air and aiming to slam his flaming leg into its head (Blaze Kick).

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2021 19:05:03 GMT
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flames give the manectric one option to go against it. it stops running, skidding on the ground as it turns back and stops, and starts to howl.

clouds form overhead. soon enough, they darken and start to cackle with thunder. water soon drizzles from the sky as the electric-type's rain dance took effect.

flames would weaken under the rain, but it wouldn't stop the charge entirely. the paralysis doesn't give the manectric breathing room it wanted, and stopping to conjure a shift in the weather allows the blaziken to graze the manectric who's been on the defensive the entire time.

it tries to make distance again as the smell of singed fur on its chest mingles with the scent of sea breeze and fresh rain.

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 4:47:50 GMT
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Grievous landed with a thud as he barely missed his target. Only now did he feel the sting of the falling rain, narrowing his eyes with fury as he clenched his claws. Oscar sighed, holding up a bizarre ring that sat on his middle finger. The stone within the ring flashed, and Grievous would soon be consumed by a mysterious and primal energy.

The energy dispersed, revealing the menacing Mega form of Grievous. The rain may dampen his fire, but it would hardly matter with the strength boost this transformation provided. Grievous wasted no time, flipping toward his opponent to deliver a swift overhead smash (Acrobatics).

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 17:26:00 GMT
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the rain was pouring. an attempt to limit the movements of the blaziken with paralysis was set in place. everything seemed to go fine, until the mega evolution comes and a strike was made.

static started to permeate from the manectric as the contact was made. a similar flashy show happens as the manectric's response to the blaziken as it reveals its new form.

excess energy from the mega evolution would attempt to blow the blaziken a few distances away. electricity starts to scatter by its feet as electric terrain prevails in the arena.

it backs away a bit with a hop backwards, before flashing the blaziken a look of determination.

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 17:55:06 GMT
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Grievous's attack was met by a burst of energy; a very familiar surge of primal power that he had unleashed himself just moments before. It pushed him back, his talons skidding across the ground as he endured the force of his opponent's transformation. When the power faded, he would find that the Manectric had taken on his own mega-form. Grievous smiled, this was a real fucking fight.

Despite the rain and the electric terrain that surrounded him, Grievous felt pumped for more. He let out a battle cry at his opponent, a horrid screech that echoed across the arena. He took one step forward and--


Electricity surged across his body. Grievous winced as he was frozen in place, paralysis holding him back from performing another attack. Oscar gasped, "What the fuck--when? How?" Oscar watched helplessly as Grievous struggled to move, the fighter's eager fervor dissolving into fear. 

He was wide open. 

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 18:06:02 GMT
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kyle doesn't have to mention the next command for the manectric. the set-up had already ben put into place. there's only one thing left to do for the electric-type.

spam thunder.

the manectric growls, the rumbling on his throat matching the thunder of the dark clouds forming overhead. electricity cackles from both above and below, as the manectric revels in its electric terrain.

a bark goes, and alongside it was a strike of lightning from above and towards the blaziken.

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2021 0:20:08 GMT
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The sky roared with a familiar crackle, and Oscar's heart sunk deep into the back of his chest. His eyes grew wide as he immediately knew what would occur next--and there was nothing Grievous could do about it.

"Oh fuck."

The Thunder landed spot-on, pushing Grievous into the ground with the force of a semi-truck. Scorch marks surrounded where he lay, if he weren't mega-evolved the fight probably would have been over. Grievous hung on however, rising slowly as sparks flowed down his body. Despite the rain, his eyes blazed with immense fury. This same fury pressed him forward, giving him the strength to sprint toward his opponent. This fight wasn't over, not while he could still stand!

Another flash appeared in the sky, followed by yet another incredible boom as Thunder struck Grievous again. He had made it about half way to his opponent before being struck, and this time he did not get up. He was out cold. Oscar smacked his forehead, "What? WHAT!? Holy shit it's over? Just like that?

He was amazed, the tides had turned so quickly. It was almost as if--as if he hadn't been ahead at all. Oscar looked to the champion, trying his hardest to hide his admiration. This guy was the real deal.

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2021 3:43:04 GMT
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"kinda too flashy, not gonna lie, but it's effective," he concludes when he sees everything fall into pieces and get to the ending he intended.

he flashes a smile and recalls the manectric, putting an end to its mega evolution straight away.

"it's always pretty nice when we get to pull it off! doesn't always happen though since, er, the conditions for it don't always present itself," kyle further explains, trying to downplay the display a bit.

trying to throw technical terms into the explanation eventually gets kyle to run out of terms as he scratches the back of his head sheepishly.

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2021 21:01:31 GMT
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Oscar groaned, withdrawing Grievous as his mega evolution faded. He shook his head, placing his wrists on his hips as he grasped Grievous's ball. "Here I thought I was strong. What an eye opener. Where'd we go wrong?" Oscar placed the ball on his belt, already thinking of ways to adjust Grevious's training regimen. 

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 1:53:24 GMT
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kyle doesn't know how to answer. he knew the other had not made any mistake in the fight, and saying luck was just insulting. unable to pinpoint the reason, kyle just shrugs the situation off.

"whatever it is, i'm sure you and your blaziken can figure it out."

he starts to emanate the essence of being an ho-oh avatar and his presence attempts to ease oscar into a better mood. kyle's intent is there, though the act itself is subconscious.

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Oscar vs. Kyle (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 4:45:44 GMT
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Oscar probably should have been left unsatisfied by Kyle's response, but the man had a bizarre sincerity that seemed to grip Oscar. Oscar's resolve was suddenly solidified, what was once a small fancy was burning into a grand desire. He was a damn good trainer, and he could absolutely face the Elite Four and defeat Kyle! KYLE SAID SO! He thinks.

Oscar beamed, grinning as he felt a sense of clarity fall over him. He giggled slightly, extending his hand to the champion to shake.

"It was an honor battling you sir. I look forward to challenging you in the near future."

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